We typically love raving about our Belazu pesto as the basil is from Verona and it uses pine kernels as per traditional Italian pestos. It is also made locally in London to ensure the flavours and colours of the pesto are as vibrant as can be!

400g Spaghetti

30g Grated pecorino

70g Grated parmesan

16g pine kernels

50g Basil leaves

100ml Olive oil

1 Garlic clove

Tsp. Coarse salt

Step 1 Start by adding water into a large sauce pan. Once the water starts to heat up, add a tea spoon of coarse salt. This raises the boiling point of the water and enables the water to get hotter faster and will later add flavour to the pasta.

Step 2 Whilst the pasta boils, chop the garlic and place it in a mortar. Add salt to the garlic and crush all together until it turns into a paste.

Step 3 Add the basil leaves and some more coarse salt and keep crushing until it all turns into a paste.

Step 4 Add the pine kernels into the mix and crush into the paste.

Step 5 Slowly start adding the grated pecorino and cheese and keep mixing until you get a smooth, creamy sauce. Top with a dash of olive oil.

Step 6 Once the pasta is al dente, drain it and pour into a large bowl and mix with the green garden pesto.

Step 7 Top with some grated parmesan and you’re ready to go!